Wednesday, April 22, 2020


In this lockdown period, everyone has stuck at their home. Everyone has tensed that "What to do" in this period while staying at home. Instead of getting bored, you can utilise these days to build new skills and explore your hobbies. So, in this blog, we will talk about those things that you can do during this period.

1. Watch a film

Netflix and Amazon are not the only option to watch the movies or series. There are plenty of websites that give you free access to their sites. You can watch your favourite movies or series there. Those sites can give you the numbers of options for free.

2. Watch a documentary

If you love to watch the documentary, there a few websites that give you a number of documentaries for absolutely free. Choose your favourite documentary and you'll learn something from that for sure.

3. Test your singing skills

If you love singing, but never try because of your job or busy schedule, then this is the best time to do what you've wanted to do. Explore your hobbies whether you want to sing or you want to play guitar. Just do whatever you want to do. 

4. Spend time with your family

Before lockdown, everyone had busy in their own life, but during this period, you can spend some quality time with your family which you've always wanted to do but your schedule doesn't allow you. Play indoor games with your children, spend time with your elders. Create some good memories.

5. Cook some new recipes

You have so much time, you can try some new recipes. Take help from google, youtube or recipes book, daily cook a new dish and enjoy it with your loved ones.

6. Read new books

There are plenty of books you can read during this period. Books help you to learn and grow in your personal life as well as your professional life. Books plays a big role in your life. 'Never stop learning, never stop growing'. 

7. Reconnect with your relatives and friends

This is the golden time to reunite with your friends and relatives through calling or video calling. Remembering old days, those best memories and strengthen your relations.

8. Learn a new language

This lockdown gives you plenty of time to learn something new. Learn a new language like French, German, Italian that will help you in the near future and open so many new opportunities for you as well. 

9. Do regular exercise

This is the best time to focus on your physical as well as your mental health. Do regular exercise, meditation and yoga. Doing such things will help you to boost up your mood. There are so many online sessions are streaming online for free.

10. Do an online course

So many institutes are offering online courses like public speaking and personality development for free. Grab those online courses, so that you can utilize your time in a better manner and those skills help you a lot in the near future.

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